Noted International Speaker, Writer, Retd. Scientist & Consultant
1987-1992 - Microbial response to biodegradable pesticides in soils under tea cultivation, In-house, New Delhi, India.
1989-1992 - Effect of agrochemicals on soil microflora funded by US Dept. of Agriculture.
1992-1997 - Soil enzyme evaluation through microbial seeding, In-house, New Delhi, India.
1993-1997 - Bacterial mediate metal transports (Siderophore) as biocontrol agents against food spoiling and disease causing fungi and bacteria funded by Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India.
1997-2002 - Utilization of soil microorganisms for aid in agriculture, environmental pollution, biocontrol (insect, fungal & weed control) and soil fertility, In-house, New Delhi, India.
2001-2003 - Development of vegetation in crude oil contaminated soil through application of bioformulation, funded by ONGCL, Sivasagar Assam, India.
2001-2003 - Maintenance, Monitoring and toxicity determination in plants grown in crude oil contaminated soil, funded by ONGCL, Sivasagar, Assam, India.
2003-2005 - Development of induced systemic resistance against brown rot fungus (Fomes lamoensis) & tea (Camellia sinensis) through plant growthpromoting rhizobacter
2005-2008 - Environmental cleanup and remediation of coal mining over burden sites of Tirap Collieries, Assam : Ministry of Coal
2006-2008 - Reclamation of drill site through application of bioformulation : OIDB (Oil Industry Development Board), New-Delhi.
2007-2012 - Restoration of oil and oily sludge contaminated soil through microbial formulations : CSIR, New–Delhi.
2008-2011 - An approach for bio-phyto remediation of Drill Sites by Developing Vegetation for Environment Protection : Sponsored by ONGC.
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